Vitamin C

Here, at The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms in Benton, we are OBSESSED with our skincare. If you’re interested in skincare at all I’m sure you have heard of how important vitamin C is for your skin. But, do you know why? Or, indeed, what to look for in your vitamin C product?

Hopefully this blog will help you to understand the benefits of vitamin C and why it is such a great ingredient in your skincare.

What can vitamin C actually do?

Vitamin C can help with multiple things within your skin. It may:

  • Protect against free radicals produced from things such as: sun damage and pollution

  • Promote collagen production

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Speed up healing

  • Help to reduce hyperpigmentation

  • Improve skin hydration

  • Reduces redness and strengthen capillaries. These are excellent benefits for rosacea sufferers.

  • Brighten your complexion

How does vitamin C protect against pollution?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from binding to healthy cells. This super important as when free radicals bind to healthy cells they cause damage to the cells. So, vitamin C effectively prevents cell damage.

Free radicals can be produced from:

  • Smoking

  • Sun Exposure

  • Pollution

  • Toxins

What to look for in your vitamin C product

Vitamin C products should be kept away from sunlight and preferably be produced in an opaque container to shield the product from sunlight. When it is exposed to light the product will become unstable and may turn yellow. The product will not work as it should.

See if the product also contains vitamin E. When these 2 vitamins are combined they are more effective in preventing damage from the sun, than either vitamin on it’s own.

Check the percentage of vitamin C in the product. Manufacturers can claim products are a vitamin C serum as long as they contain traces of the active ingredient. If it seems too cheap to be true, it probably is!

Which products do we recommend

At The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms we are proud to be fully trained with PCASkin®. We believe they are a fantastic company that provide medical grade skincare for use at home and in our clinical settings. Their in-clinic MediFacials and Chemical Peels are a popular choice to help to get your skin party ready!

They have an amazing product called PCA SKIN® C&E Advanced that contains maximum vitamin concentrations 20% vitamin C and 5% vitamin E. It also contains therapeutic levels of hexylresorcinol (1%) that brightens the skin and promotes a more even skin tone. This product is one of my personal favourites.

If you would like to know more about our medical grade skin care with PCA SKIN® why not book in for a no obligation consultation. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for further hints and tips.

Have a great day!

Helen Whyte

Dr Helen is a dentist of over 18 years experience. She is the co-owner of The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms and The Aesthetic Training Rooms, providing top quality aesthetic treatment in Newcastle upon Tyne. She also provides Aesthetic training in Newcastle in addition to national events and conferences. Furthermore, she is an appointment ‘Key Opinion Leader’ for BioRePeel (chemical peel) and ARES (mesotherapy).

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Skincare Myths