Treatment for sunken cheeks
Treatment for Hollow Cheeks

Loss Of Facial Volume

As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, including the loss of facial volume. This can result in sagging skin, wrinkles, and a tired appearance. Fortunately, The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms in Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne offers a range of effective treatments to restore facial volume and rejuvenate your appearance. 

Loss of facial volume occurs due to a combination of factors, including natural aging processes. This includes decreased collagen and elastin production, and the gradual loss of fat pads beneath the skin. Environmental factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices can also contribute to this condition. The characteristics of facial volume loss often include sunken cheeks, hollowed under-eye areas, deepening nasolabial folds, and a general loss of plumpness and youthful contours.

Treatment options

  • Our dermal filler treatments are designed to target sagging skin and loss of volume, helping you regain a smoother and more defined neck and jawline. By strategically injecting FDA-approved dermal fillers, we can restore lost volume, lift sagging skin, and soften the appearance of wrinkles. The results are immediate and can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the product used. Our experienced professionals will customise the treatment to your unique needs, ensuring natural-looking results that enhance your natural beauty.

  • Experience the power of two cutting-edge technologies combined to deliver exceptional results. Our Radiofrequency & Microneedling treatment merges the collagen-stimulating benefits of radiofrequency (RF) energy with the controlled micro-injuries induced by microneedling. This dual-action approach triggers a robust collagen production response, tightening loose skin, and rejuvenating the face, neck, arms, stomach and jawline. The RF energy penetrates deep within the skin, enhancing the effects of microneedling and amplifying your skin's natural rejuvenation process. This non-invasive procedure offers minimal downtime and gradual, natural-looking improvements.

  • Discover the secret to radiant and resilient skin with our Karisma RH Collagen Skin Booster treatment. This innovative approach involves injecting bio-compatible collagen boosters into the skin, promoting hydration, firmness, and elasticity. Specifically designed to address sagging skin and the turkey neck appearance, the Karisma RH treatment restores lost volume and enhances skin quality, giving you a more youthful and lifted neck and jawline. Enjoy the benefits of improved collagen synthesis and cellular regeneration for a rejuvenated look that lasts. This can be used on the face, neck decolletage and the backs of the hands

  • We do not offer surgical options at The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms, but they do have a place to help treat volume loss due to ageing. This could be options like:

    • Surgical Thread Lifts

    • Fat Grafts

    • Surgical Face Lifts

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What causes loss of facial volume?

    Loss of facial volume is primarily caused by natural aging processes such as collagen and elastin depletion, as well as the gradual loss of fat pads beneath the skin. Environmental factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices can also contribute to facial volume loss.

  • How can I restore facial volume?

    The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms in Benton, Birtley and Morpeth offer various treatments to restore facial volume. Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid injections, are a popular option. These fillers replenish lost volume and can help smooth wrinkles and fine lines. Other options include collagen-stimulating treatments like Karisma.

  • Are dermal fillers safe for restoring facial volume?

    Yes, dermal fillers are considered safe when administered by trained professionals at reputable treatment centres. It's important to choose a qualified practitioner who understands facial anatomy and uses high-quality products. Always consult with a professional to discuss your specific needs and any potential risks or side effects.

  • What is Karisma RH Collagen Skin Booster and how does it work?

    The Karisma RH Collagen Skin Booster treatment is a specialized procedure that involves injecting bio-compatible collagen boosters into the skin's layers. These boosters stimulate collagen production and improve the skin's overall quality, promoting hydration, firmness, and elasticity. For those concerned with sagging skin and the turkey neck appearance, this treatment offers a non-surgical solution to restore lost volume and lift. As collagen synthesis increases, patients can enjoy a rejuvenated neck and jawline with results that evolve over time.

  • Are there any side effects associated with facial volume restoration treatments?

    While facial volume restoration treatments are generally safe, there can be some temporary side effects. These may include redness, swelling, bruising, or minor discomfort at the injection site. These effects usually subside within a few days. Serious complications are rare but can include infection, allergic reactions, necrosis (tissue death) or asymmetry.

  • How much does facial volume restoration cost?

    The cost of facial volume restoration treatments can vary depending on the specific procedure, the amount of product required, and the expertise of the practitioner. Generally, dermal filler treatments can range from £220 to £700 per session depending on the severity of the loss of volume.

    Collagen stimulating treatment Karisma costs £250 per session.

Book Now

Ready to take the first step toward a more youthful and confident you?

Booking a consultation with us is your personalised pathway to discovering the best treatment options for your needs. Our expert team will listen to your concerns, evaluate your unique features, and recommend tailored solutions to address loose skin, turkey neck, and more.

Whether you're interested in exploring dermal fillers and Botox, or less invasive treatments, our consultations offer you a chance to ask questions, understand the process, and envision the potential results. Don't wait – schedule your consultation now and embark on a journey to a revitalised and more confident version of yourself.

Treatment for ageing