Radiofrequency & Microneedling

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Radiofrequency (RF) and microneedling are prominent treatments, in the field of medical aesthetics. Radiofrequency employs radio waves to gently heat the skin, stimulating collagen production and tightening loose or sagging skin, while microneedling creates controlled micro-injuries using fine needles to encourage collagen and elastin growth. Radiofrequency is effective for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, cellulite improvement, and body contouring. On the other hand, microneedling is ideal for addressing concerns like fine lines, acne scars, skin texture, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks.

At The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms, at our Benton site, we have a device that can combine these treatments, known as RF microneedling, for even more impressive results by blending the benefits of both approaches. These procedures, whether used individually or together, can help individuals attain a rejuvenated and revitalised appearance.

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RF (Radiofrequency) microneedling is a versatile cosmetic procedure that can address various skin concerns and improve skin quality. Here is a list of what RF microneedling can help with:

  • Skin Tightening: RF microneedling is highly effective in tightening loose or sagging skin on the face, neck, and body.

  • Wrinkle Reduction: It can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a smoother complexion.

  • Acne Scarring: RF microneedling can help improve the texture and appearance of acne scars, including pitted skin.

  • Skin Texture Improvement: It enhances overall skin texture, making it smoother and more even.

  • Hyperpigmentation: RF microneedling can reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone.

  • Stretch Marks & Scars : This treatment may help fade stretch marks & surgical scars.

  • Enlarged Pores: RF microneedling can minimise the enlarged pores, leading to improved skin texture.

  • Non-surgical Face and Neck Lift: Helping to lift and firm facial and neck skin.

  • Body Contouring: RF microneedling can be used on the body to address sagging skin, cellulite, and contour irregularities.


  • RF microneedling, or Radiofrequency & Microneedling, is a cosmetic procedure that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology. It involves using a device with tiny, sterile needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface while simultaneously delivering radiofrequency energy into the deeper layers of the skin. This dual-action approach stimulates collagen production, resulting in tighter, smoother skin and improved texture. RF & microneedling is highly effective for addressing concerns like wrinkles, acne scars, and skin laxity.

  • RF & microneedling is generally safe for various skin types and tones. Unlike some laser treatments, RF & microneedling is less likely to cause pigmentation changes or scarring in individuals with darker skin. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner who can assess your skin's specific needs and determine if RF & microneedling is the right option for you. They will consider factors like skin type, medical history, and the specific concerns you want to address.

  • During an RF & microneedling session, you may experience mild discomfort. The treatment time varies depending on the area being treated, but sessions typically last 15-20 minutes. Afterward, you may experience some redness and mild swelling, which usually subsides within a few days. Results become noticeable over several weeks as collagen production continues. Most individuals require a series of treatments for optimal results, with maintenance sessions recommended to prolong the benefits. may experience some redness or mild peeling, which can be easily managed with proper skincare. Most individuals can resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment.

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