Chemical Peels for Men


The chemical peel, BioRePeel, is an innovative peel treatment that we are proud to offer at our clinic. It has a patented 2-phase technology. It is suitable for the male skin and to treat specific complaints such as strawberry skin (keratosis pilaris) or acne, including acne on the body.

This procedure provides a bio-stimulating, revitalising and peel-like effect. The exhilarating combination of these components can result in mild exfoliation. This, in turn, stimulates the biosynthetic process and speeds up desired cosmetic results.

Our expert team will choose the correct application for you. Your suitability will be determined in a one-to-one consultation at our Benton clinic, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne.

Why You Can Trust Us With
Your BioRePeel Treatment

At The Aesthetic Treatment Rooms, we provide reassurance and information about the cosmetic procedures and aesthetics world. Furthermore, we provide the latest procedures with state-of-the-art products with modern and efficient techniques. The professional, medical grade peel you will experience is excellent value. BioRePeel will be an extremely satisfying treatment each and every time you book with us.

In our aesthetic clinic in Benton, we ensure that you are comfortable throughout all your appointments. Immediately from your initial consultation right through to your final treatment. All of our talented clinicians have the knowledge, skill, and experience to be able to deliver first-class service.

If you have any questions please get in touch. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram

Benefits Of BioRePel

There can be multiple features and appearance benefits for this Aesthetic Treatment Rooms service including that BioRePeel can;

●      Restore the structure of the skin.

●      Decrease damage from UV light, pigmentation and acne scars

●      Effectively preventing the ageing of the skin.

●      The treatment is suitable for all skin types, including those with fine line wrinkles, acne, fresh scarring and blackheads.

●      The exfoliating and keratolytic action promotes cell turnover by removing the outer corneal layer cells with selective action on corneocytes’ junction bonds.

●      The active ingredients’ derma functionality contributes to a profound stimulation of skin replication and biosynthetic processes.

●      BioRePeel dissolves bonds between cells allowing it to gently slough off that dulling, top layer of skin, to reveal a smooth and glowing underneath.

●      No needles, just painless, fast-acting results.

Individual Care For Your Satisfaction

We understand that you may not want your treatment to be obvious to everyone. It does not have to be dramatic, unless you want it to be. We tailor each and every treatment to the individual needs of the patient. Your BioRePeel treatment will address your specific treatment needs. We aim to give you the results you desire to leave you looking and feeling amazing.